Saturday, May 2, 2015

Hey Members!

Let me introduce myself. My name is Lizzy and I have recently taken over as leader to our Clan. For those of you who don't know me, I was part of the original founding group for Legenwait4it (our main clan) and have served as Co-Leader over there for over a year.

We created this clan with lots of high hopes and great intentions but unfortunately not enough persistence to accomplish all of the things we wanted. This transition is an effort to bring Legenfarm4it to all the glory that we had originally wanted for it.

Lets review the reasons for having a farm clan:

1. We wanted a place for our lower level friends and family to chill in while they catch up to the main clan. The purpose of this however, is that eventually they will be able to join the main clan.

2. We wanted to be able to recruit through the farm clan so that we could test out the members before sending to the Main clan.

3. We also want members who are upgrading heroes or testing out new war strategies to still be able to participate in clan wars and clan activities without affecting main clan war record. This can hopefully be a low pressure place to relax, have fun, practice, and still win some wars.

Now in order to accomplish these goals, new rules have been put in place.  Please read through the new clan rules and war rules pages to find out specific information.

Notable changes are:

1. We will now be having 2 wars a week! Now the Opt-in and Opt-out button is more important than ever! Make sure your status is correct! (you are not required to participate in war) You are expected to perform both war attacks if you take part. Failure to perform your responsibilities can result in a demotion, and repeat offenders will be kicked.

2. We have increased the donation requirements to 400 for elder and 300 to keep elder as well as added the donation ratio. We have also added the rule of being "active" in chat and to be placed in a league before mid season. Mid season is Sunday night, one week from the beginning of each season.

Please familiarize yourselves with the new information here. I understand change doesn't happen over night. We will be adding new information slowly so that we don't get overwhelmed. Lets first work on these few points and work together towards an awesome clan!
