Thursday, August 14, 2014

War with ROMPEHIMENGR base #13 strat

Dragon raid requirements:
•    3 Lvl3+ lightning spells
•    9 Lvl2+ dragons
•    5 archers
•    1 giant
•    2 hogs
•    Cc with lvl5 hogs

Plan of attack:
1.    Drop 1 archer at each of the locations marked 1 to take out the builder huts, no need to wait for them to be destroyed before moving onto step 2
2.    lightning spells directly on top of air defense marked 2, remember to drop these directly in the middle of the air defense in order to take it out
3.    drop 1 giant at location marked 3 to trigger any traps or bombs, then from the same location deploy your hogs and cc of hogs at the same time to take out the remaining air defense
3.    Deploy dragon along the line marked 4. in a line to ensure that dragons don't bunch up and will sweep the base.

*in the case that the enemy cc troops have been triggered before deploying the hogs then drop the dragons first and when the cc troops go to engage your dragons then deploy hogs to destroy the remaining air defense.

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